
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Real Talk About The Pink Stuff (And Why It is a Necessity in your Cleaning Arsenal)

 Real Talk About the Pink Stuff

(And why it's a necessity in your cleaning arsenal)

**DISCLAIMER: THIS POST CONTAINS AFFILIATE LINKS. For full disclosure, click here***

In our lovely home, we have 3 dogs, a toddler and two adults. Our backyard has hardly any grass, and cleaning can be overbearing when you don't stick to a cleaning schedule. I have shed many tears trying to get my house in spit-spot shape. Many days I feel like it is impossible. How do people keep toddler fingerprints off the walls? 

If you have never seen this magical pink jar, allow me to open your eyes to the world of all things clean. The Pink Stuff, made famous on Tik Tok, is a cleaning paste that originated in Britain. This paste cuts through dirt, grime, grease, fingerprints, scuff marks, cooking marks.....anything you can think of. It is designed for use on walls, floors, doors, pots/pans, sinks bathrooms, kitchens, appliances, and MORE!!! I am here to show you how to use it, and why you should make it a staple in your cleaning supplies. Once you see the results, you won't use half of the bottles stashed under your sink. 


*I LOVE cleaning with rubber gloves, especially when doing the dishes. It keeps my hands from drying out and getting rough/cracked. I highly recommend using them. They are very cheap at the Dollar General and other mainstream stores. 

How to Use This Product

First, I started by putting on my handy-dandy rubber gloves. I use them mostly for doing the dishes, but also when I am going to be using products that will more than likely get on my hands. Next, wet your microfiber cloth in the sink and wring out well. 

Use your finger or your cloth and scoop some of the product out. Rub it on the area you want to clean. (I started by using my finger, rubbing it on the area.) Using the cloth, rub the product around, then gently wipe it away. Rinse the cloth if need be to ensure all product has been removed from the area. 

Last, reflect on how truly easy that was and how amazing the results are!

Round 1: The Garage Door

Let me walk you through my journey using The Pink Stuff. I ordered it on Amazon, and received it a few days later. I started with the door that leads to the garage. This door is always disgusting; the dogs jump up on it, our toddler rubs all over it, and it is the door we use the most to get in and out of the house each day. Here is a before picture, as reluctant as I am to show you all how disgusting it is๐Ÿ‘€ .

Welp. Look at all of those disgusting dirt marks. You wouldn't believe how many Magic Erasers I have gone through trying to keep this door clean. 

Now, I begin the process by smearing some paste on the dirt marks with my hand (and trusty rubber glove). I use my glove to start rubbing away the dirt. 

Look how quickly the product works! You can see that with a few swipes of my hand, the dirt is disintegrating. 

I use the microfiber cloth to remove the paste from the door and voila! A clean, bright and shiny door! No Magic Eraser on the planet has been able to make this door as clean as it is now!

Round Two: The Bathroom Sink

While I was still in shock at how clean the garage door was, I took this paste to the test....the master bathroom sink. Please try not to judge us too hard. I am a teacher, my husband works construction, and life gets crazy! You can see in our disgusting excuse for a sink, that my husband had recently shaved his beard and left hair and fuzz, there is toothpaste residue, nail polish marks.......gross๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ.

I was reluctant, but you saw how clean that door got! I started right in with a dollop of paste and got to work with my rubber gloves. 

Last, I used the cloth, got a nice good scrub, and rinsed the product (and all the gunk) down the drain. Look at that sparkle! (Ignore the nail polish stain that I couldn't remove!)

Ya'll, at this point in time, I had been cleaning for 5 minutes. FIVE MINUTES. 
After I did these two areas, I went around the house and touched up a few areas.....finger prints on the walls, the paw prints from the dogs messing with each other, the wall next to the sliding glass door, the floor and walls of the shower (my husband works was wild in there!)...... you name it, I cleaned it. And I only spent 10 minutes. 

After I sat down and reflected, I could easily name 4 products in my cabinet under the sink that are going to be replaced with this little pink tub. This will be my go-to cleaner from now on!

If you click the link down below, it will take you to the Amazon listing of this product. Trust me, this is one cleaning product you need. 

Subscribe and Comment!

I would love to hear and see success stories from using this product! Share your experience down below in the comments! 


  1. Where do I get this magical potion?!?!?! How AMAZING!!

    1. Amazon! There is a link in the post to take you right to the product!
